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Research state laws, and any federal laws if applicable, regarding mandatory disclosure of HIV status

In this assignment, you will compose an essay in favor or, or in contest of, disclosure laws for HIV status.


Examine ethical issues relating to sustaining or improving life.
Explain the role of confidentiality with regards to HIV/AIDS.
Describe the types of restrictions that confidentiality status and ethical guidelines place on HIV/AIDS information.

Step 1: Research state laws, and any federal laws if applicable, regarding mandatory disclosure of HIV status.
Step 2: Determine, through professional research, if you believe the law is critical for the safety and well-fare of the public and does not violate patient’s rights. OR, if you believe the law is a direct violation of patient privacy and should be repealed.
Step 3: Compile your research and create a professional paper that adheres to APA guidelines. Your paper must include the following:
Your stance (for the law or against the law)
Defense of your stance with outside support
The history of why this disclosure became law
Do the penalties that accompany the law fair and reasonable?
Are there changes that need to occur within the current law, if you choose to defend the repeal of the law, should there be any type of reporting for the safety of others?
Step 4: Ensure you are researching only scholarly works. It is recommended to use Concorde’s Online Library: to an external site.
Step 5: You must have at least five (5) outside resources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
Step 5: Save and submit your assignment.