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Sensation and Perception

1) A. The Blind Spot Instructions:

Go to the following page and follow the instructions

Reflection: Why do you think the dot disappeared? What does this show us about our vision?

B. Visual Context

Go to the following page and follow the instructions:

Before placing your cursor on the image, what number do you see in grey?

REFLECTION: What do you see after? Why did your perception of it change? How does this show the difference between sensation and perception?

2) Choose one of the demonstrations listed under “sensation and perception” lab at the following website. Describe the demonstration, and relate the demonstration to material covered in your textbook to describe the science behind this demonstration. Include screenshots of the completed demonstration.


· Step 1 (1 foot, open eyes): Stand on one foot for 30 seconds with your eyes open. How’s your balance?

· Step 2 (1 foot, closed eyes): Stand on one foot for 30 seconds with your eyes shut. How’s your balance?

· Step 3 (1 foot, closed eyes, dizzy): Spin around a few times, then close your eyes and balance on one leg. Now how’s your balance?

REFLECTION: Which body systems were you using to balance at each step ? (Hint: they were progressively interrupted. You need to provide a description of the body systems used at each step).