For this assignment, you may relate it to your term project by choosing a movie theater job title, or you may choose an unrelated job. You may choose the same job title you used for Module 5’s Assignment (Assignment 4). Again, you may not choose your own current job(s). You may work with one partner, or on your own.
Create a structured behavioral interview for the job you chose.
Start by providing:
· Job Title
· Brief Job Description
· Brief List of KSAOs (this can be presented in outline format/bullet points)
Describe the interview in detail and provide a minimum of 3 sample structured behavioral questions. Be sure to:
· Describe how you will develop the interview questions to ensure they are job-related and behaviorally-focused.
· Explain when and where in the selection process it will occur and who will administer it (e.g., immediately after application vs. closer to the end of the selection process, remote vs. at the jobsite, HR staff vs. hiring managers, both, panel, etc.). Remember to give consideration to why you made these choices.
· Discuss relative costs/person-hours required to conduct the interview and how this relates to the utility of the interview.
· Provide a scoring rubric to rate candidate responses on each of your sample questions.
· Your rubric should include behavioral anchors (explanations at each scale point, see the example on the next page – note that you may have as many or as few scale points as you wish, numeric or qualitative).
Top of Form
0 Points
Candidate cannot describe any leadership experiences; describes experience in general terms without discussing specific leader behaviors; candidate does not have any experience leading a team
1 Point
Candidate describes specific behaviors, including experiences delegating, problem solving for group, addressing in-group conflicts, provides 0 or few specific examples
2 Points
Candidate describes experience delegating, problem solving for group, addressing in-group conflicts, gives specific examples of situations and how he/she learned from them or improved on them
Expect to take about 3-4 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) to complete this assignment. Your work will be graded on content, clarity, creativity, correctness, and, above all, critical thinking per the HRA Written Assignment Rubric.