Journal Entry 1a: In what ways are Christmas in Purgatory and the Pennhurst Memorial and Memorial Preservation Alliance similar? Christmas in Purgatory was first published in 1966 and the expose, "Suffer the Little Children" was released in 1968. Why do you think this time period is significant? (not including references) should total at least 175 words.
Journal Entry 1b: Why were exposés about institutions important and do you think they made an impact on the public and lawmakers? Why are the personal narratives important in the Willowbrook film and on the PMPA site? What stories standout for you?(not including references) should total at least 175 words.
3/12/25, 5:25 PMRubric Assessment –
Discussion Post & Peer Response Rubric – Revised v2 (10 points) Course: SPE-506-0
Criteria Fully Met Mostly Met Partially Met Did Not Meet
Focus/Relevance of
Depth/Substantiveness of
Clarity and Organization of
2 points
The response fully addresses
all aspects of the discussion
prompt. There is a clear and
direct connection between
the content of the response
and the
outlined in the prompt.
Word Length Requirement (if
specified): The response
meets or exceeds the
specified word count or
length requirement.
1.5 points
The response addresses the
majority of aspects of the
discussion prompt. While
there may be some minor
gaps or areas where the
response could be more
focused, the overall relevance
to the prompt is evident.
Word Length Requirement (if
specified): The response does
not meet the minimum
specified word count or
length requirement and is
short by 15% or less.
1 point
The response addresses some
aspects of the discussion
prompt, but key elements
may be overlooked or only
partially addressed. There are
noticeable gaps or
inconsistencies in the
relevance of the response to
the prompt.
Word Length Requirement (if
specified): The response does
not meet the minimum
specified word count or
length requirement and is
short by 30% or less.
0.5 points
The response fails to address
the discussion prompt
effectively. There is little to
no relevance between the
content of the response and
the requirements outlined in
the prompt.
Word Length Requirement (if
specified): The response does
not meet the minimum
specified word count or
length requirement and is
short by 50% or more.
2 points
The response demonstrates a
high level of substance,
thoughtfulness, and depth.
The student provides
comprehensive and well-
developed insights, well-
supported by evidence or
examples from the course
material where appropriate.
1.5 points
The response is substantive
and thoughtful, though there
may be some areas where
additional depth or
elaboration could be
provided. Response is
somewhat supported by
evidence or examples from
the course material where
1 point
The response contains some
substance and
thoughtfulness, but there are
noticeable gaps or areas
where it could be more in-
depth. Response is minimally
supported by evidence or
examples from the course
material where appropriate.
0.5 points
There is little to no depth in
the analysis, and the
student's contributions are
minimal or perfunctory.
Response is not supported by
evidence or examples from
the course material where
2 points
The response is exceptionally
clear and well-organized.
Ideas are presented logically
and coherently, with smooth
transitions between thoughts.
1.5 points
The response is generally
clear and well-organized,
though there may be
occasional instances of minor
confusion or lack of clarity.
Ideas are presented in a
mostly logical sequence, with
some transitions between
1 point
The response demonstrates
some clarity and organization,
but there are noticeable
deficiencies that impact
understanding. Ideas may be
somewhat disjointed or
poorly connected, resulting in
confusion for the reader.
0.5 points
The response lacks clarity and
organization, making it
difficult for the reader to
understand the main points.
Ideas are presented in a
haphazard or chaotic manner,
with little coherence or
logical progression.
Criteria Fully Met Mostly Met Partially Met Did Not Meet Missing
Peer Responses –
2 points
It is evident that the
student has carefully read
and analyzed the peer's
post, as their response
directly engages with and
builds upon the ideas
1.5 points
While there may be areas
where the connection
could be stronger or
more explicit, it is
apparent that the student
has considered the peer's
1 point
While the student may
briefly acknowledge the
peer's contribution, their
response lacks depth or
substantive interaction
with the content of the
0.5 points
It is unclear whether the
student has read or
understood the content
of the peer's post, as
their response may be
entirely unrelated or
0 points
2 required peer
responses are missing.
3/12/25, 5:25 PMRubric Assessment –
Overall Score
Peer Responses –
Depth/Quality of
presented. Overall, the
student's response
enhances the depth and
richness of the discussion
by actively connecting
with their peer's
contribution to some
extent. The response
contributes meaningfully
to the ongoing discussion
by addressing relevant
points raised by the peer
and adding new insights
or perspectives.
peer's post. There may be
instances where the
response feels
disconnected or
tangential to the
preceding discussion,
indicating a lack of
meaningful engagement
with the peer's response.
dismissive of their
2 points
The response
demonstrates exceptional
depth and quality,
showcasing substantive,
thoughtful, and
considerate engagement
with the peer's post.
1.5 points
While there may be areas
where the response
could be more thorough
or nuanced, it is evident
that the student has
made an effort to provide
meaningful insights or
1 point
While the response may
offer some insights or
reflections, there are
areas where it could be
more thoughtful or
considerate in addressing
the peer's perspective.
0.5 points
The response may consist
of mere assertions or
superficial comments
that do not add value to
the discussion. Peer
response is not
substantive and consists
of something like: “Great
post! Thanks for sharing!
I agree!”
0 points
2 required peer
responses are missing.
A (100-90%) 9 points minimum
B (89-80%) 8 points minimum
C (79-70%) 7 points minimum
D (69-60%) 6 points minimum