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Find an article (electronic) on Technology and Sustainability in Casual Dining From the article, you will write a very particular type of memo that is a

Find an article (electronic) on Technology and Sustainability in Casual Dining

From the article, you will write a very particular type of memo that is a proposal of how you would utilize this information in business.  The memo has to be in a proposal format.  It has to make business sense and demonstrate your ability to take information and utilize it in a hospitality/tourism/leisure business setting.

The memo should not just relay the facts of the article – the student must take the information and figure out how such information would be useful in a business. 

The first of these memos will be upward in the organization.  Later memos may go across the organization, peer to peer, in the organization (these must make sense for the other person to join you in a further proposal so that it would be a win –win for both of you).  Finally, a proposal will be a top down in the organization (these will be used to gain input from people below you in the organization structure).  The writer should make sure they are not an order or something you as the boss has already decided to do.  In making business sense, no memo should be about a meeting to decide what to do about a situation.  Memos that are just about a meeting to meet or FYI type of memos will receive an F. 

The memo should have three sections:

  • An opening sentence or two that states why the reader is getting the memo- The proposal
    • This should state the issue and your proposal to solve the business or the organization issue (in one sentence if possible)
      • Example: Due to the increase in gasoline prices, I believe we should review our marketing plans to include Family packages.
  • A middle section that supports the reason for the proposal
    • This should support the proposal from why it is good to why it makes business sense to do this. DO NOT give me the details of the proposal- give the business reasons on why this makes sense (3-4 reasons). You should look at this section as to what would be the good business results if you were allowed to go forward with the proposal.  Keep it simple
      • Example:
        • Family packages may:
          • Help to offset Total Vacation Cost and possibly extend times at our destination thus increasing profits.
  • An action closing that is sender based.
    • This section should have an assertive tone – one where you have set up a time and meeting. The goal is to get an answer as to whether your proposal is going forward.
      • Examples
        • I have set up an appointment, through your office, for next Tuesday at10 AM.  I look forward to discussing the details and to gaining your input.
        • I am looking forward to our meeting next Tuesday at 10AM in your office.  Our goal would be to create the next steps for this concept.
    • In the meeting, you would actually begin to give the workings of your proposal- where it can be discussed in a two-way conversation.

Make sure your articles are current (within the last 12 months)